Regenerative Agriculture
We use the term "regenerative agriculture" to describe the production practices our farmers follow because it describes what we stand for to our core: farming with nature, restoring health to the land, and producing food that is tastier and nutrient-dense.

We believe that it is crucial to replace extractive row cropping and industrial farming with farmers practicing sustainable land management to fight climate change and restore health to our diet. The food you buy from us helps to support our farmers that are preserving topsoil, conserving water, cleaning the air, raising animals ethically, and eliminating chemicals from the food supply.

Our pasture-based livestock farmers use practices that are adapted from observing animals in the wild interract with their environment. By farming with nature in this way we can reduce inputs by designing the farm as an ecosystem that sustains itself with minimal outside influence. An example of this is the implementation of holistic planned grazing for cattle. Carefully managing the movement of cattle on pasture, allowing for periods of recovery for the pasture, allows our farmers to turn sunlight, air, and water into raise nutrient-dense beef.

Decentralizing our food economy is an important part of environmental sustainability and resilience in our food supply. Supporting regenerative farmers like the ones that we have partnered with helps to create a food system that builds up rural communities and makes food sovereignty a reality.

Every farmer that we work with has to adhere to a strict set of protocols we have written to ensure quality and environmental sustainability across the board.
Producer Protocols
1. No chemical sprays of any kind can be used on any part of the farm (including what the animals eat)
2. GMOs are prohibited
3. Hormones & antibiotics are prohibited
4. Humane animal handling and treatment is required throughout the entire life of the animal. All animals must have appropriate shade, access to water, feed, and shelter at all times.
5. All monogastric species (pigs & chickens) must be rotationally grazed on pasture
6. All ruminants (cattle & sheep) must be rotationally grazed on pasture and must be 100% grass-fed & grass-finished